
Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Sport Heroes

 Hello People,

Today's post is from my hurumanu class. So Mr White gave us a slide show. We had to research about Sports Players around the world and in New Zealand.

Here is my Slide show

Thank you for reading my post.

Friday, 26 March 2021


 Hello people,

Today in hurumanu we had to write a story about the world with no wheels.

Here is my story.

I was in my Secret South Korean Lab. I decided to build a hovercar. It was going to be the first electric

hovercar.  I drew a copy of how my hovercar would look like on paper.

It is going to be powered by electricity.  It would have a coat of grey paint. It would have rocket engines.

The hovercar would be able to talk when I add the special part to him. The highest speed would be

300kpm. It could go on water and land. 

I had a special wizard named James The Magnificent Wizard.  He helped me get parts to build the

hovercar. All of a sudden I forgot what names I could give my hovercar.


What about Mason because he is going to be male? speaking to myself

It was probably going to be done in 10 years.  James the Wizard came with all the parts I needed. 

I told him about the name of the Hovercar. He said “ That is an amazing name,”

It was nearly finished I had to put the part to make him talk. Suddenly he talked. It was a kinda soft

voice. I and James were so happy. I used Mason lots of times to get stuff and go somewhere.

I build more Hovercars so they could be friends with Mason.  

Here are some pictures

Tuesday, 23 March 2021


 Hello people,

Today's post is from Hurumanu.We had to make a presentation about our invention. I also made a comic

Here is my slideshow

Thank you for reading my post

Jelly Babies Osmosis 🐻🧸

Hello people,

Last week in science we did a Gummy Bear Osmosis. We use Jelly Babies instead of  Gummy Bears.

We had salt water, sugar water, and water. First, we got 3 perti dishes. 1  dish had saltwater, the other was sugar water and the last one was just water. Then we got 8 gummy bears 4 one colour and 4 a different colour. 2 in each container. The leftovers were for testing did they grow. We left it for over 12 hours

Equipment : 

3 Beakers or petri dishes,

One with salt solution water, one with sugar water and one with water. 

8 Jelly babies  4 one colour and 4 another colour.

Set up :

Place one Jelly Babies of each colour into the beakers.

Keep 2 Jelly babies different colour outside  which is not going into the solution water

Leave for 12 - 48 hours

This is my Hypothesis




It will stretch

I think the water one will be softer and squishier 

I think it will stretch some of the skin will come off.


Salt: The salt had cracked through it.

Water: Was all Squishy 

 Sugar: I was right the sugar one stretch.

The best one was the sugar one

Here are some pictures

Thank you for reading my post feel free to comment

Monday, 15 March 2021

Writing In Hurumanu Trains🚆

 Hello people,
 Today's post is about my Writing from Hurumanu.

Here is my writing 

One day I was in my train lab in Tokyo, Japan. I was building my own train. It was going to be powered by steam and electricity. I decided to name him Derek because he was a male train.

I thought for a moment and said, ”I am going to make it talk.” I decided that he would have a coat of blue paint and rocket engines on the back of him.

I added the finishing touch to make him talk. He was finished in 1940. It took 10 years to build Derek and to have my very own train build.

By 1941 he was talking. He had a deep voice. He said, “ I need some friends please." I was super amazed that he could actually talk. So I thought for a minute because it did take 10 years to build Derek so it took couple more minutes to decide.

After a minute or two I decided that I make the train now. Right away I made more trains and made a railway. Highspeed trains, Diesel trains, Electric trains, Trams. I was so popular people said the amazing trains build by the famous train designer called Tory. I made a railway named Japan Railway.

Thank you for reading my post please feel free to comment. Have a terrific day my readers.

Here are different kinds of trains that people make this day.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Jane Goodall

 Hello People,

Today's post in science is to make a blog about a famous scientist woman. We had to find facts about her.

1. When Jane Goodall was a baby she got introduced to Chimpanzees. Her father gave her a toy chimpanzee when she was one year old.

2. When she was little she loves reading books about animals.

3. When she was little she sat outside for five hours watching a hen lay eggs.

4.Jane Goodall Graduated from high school she could not afford to go to college.

5. She first traveled to Africa when she was 23 years old to visit a friend in Kenya.

Here is a picture.

Feel free to comment.

New Zealand Heroes.

 Hi People,

Today in hurumanu we are writing about The New Zealand heroes from the world war. We had questions to answer.

1. Question number 1 was Why were the soldiers from Maori Battalion heroes? . Because they had to go and fight for New Zealand.

2. Question number 2 is Why were the stretcher barriers people heroes. Because they went and got people that were injured or dead. They even rescued some of the German people. 


3. Why were the hard working soldiers heroes? Because they went to fight they risked there lives

Thank you for reading my post feel free to comment.

Skittles Observations

 Hello people,

So yesterday for science we did a Skittle Observation. So we had warm water and skittles. We got every color of the skittle. I think there were 5 skittles for each pair of people. I worked by myself. It smelled nice we were not allowed to eat the skittles because of no eating in the lab. It turned out really good.

Here are some pictures.

Thank you for reading my post feel free to comment.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Bunsen Burner Flames🔥

 Hi people,

Today's blog post is about the Bunsen Burner Flames. Yesterday we lighted a Bunsen burner with water on it .We lighted the  water on the Bunsen burner for 5 minutes. We had a stop watch to keep track of it. When it was nearly 5 minutes. We shut the gas of. Next took the thermometer to see the temperature it was 70 degrees. It started at 20 and at the end it was 70. 

The next one we did was on the roaring flame which is the blue flame it started at 20 and ended at 83 degrees.


The roaring flame is the  hottest flame because the average of it is 53'c. 

The safety flame is only 28'c on average. 

Here is a picture 


Thanks for reading my post.